Educational Tests
These diagnostic math tests pinpoint strengths and weaknesses of individual students, as well as whole classes and grades. These tests may help guide: placement decisions, remedial studies, and preparation for statewide exams.
Diagnostic Test of Pre-Algebra Math (DT-PAM)
The Diagnostic Test of Pre-Algebra Math measures and yields a score for each of the 21 competencies necessary for success on statewide tests such as the MCAS, FCAT, and TAKS. It can also be used as a placement test, by using the overall test score.
Diagnostic Test of High School Math (DT-HSM)
The Diagnostic Test of High School Math yields a score for each of the 20 competencies necessary for success on statewide tests such as the MCAS, FCAT, and TAKS. It can also be used as a placement test, by using the overall test score.
Math Placement Test - Grade 6 (MPT-6)
The Math Placement Test for Grade 6 (with diagnostics) measures 13 competencies, and helps inform junior high school math placement decisions.