Areas Assessed for the PCBS
- Risk Taking - This area includes self-control and thrill seeking and is related to poor judgment and the use of excessive force.
- Relationships with Coworkers, Friends and Family - Police officers need to work well with others inside and outside the department.
- Unusual Finances - This includes unusual levels of credit and expenses, and is related to vulnerability to graft and corruption to cover debt.
- Relationships with Teachers and Supervisors - Cooperating with superiors is important for working in a paramilitary organization.
- Work Habits - In law enforcement, people often work independently, and must exhibit responsibility.
- Discrepancies in Information Provided - Information provided should be accurate and complete.
- Dishonest and Criminal Behavior - Past dishonest/criminal behavior is an indicator of future dishonest/criminal behavior.
- Substance Abuse - This is linked to propensity for corruption, and to performance of all job duties.
- Fighting and Arguing - This area is related to the use of excessive force.
- Red Flags - Answers to individual questions that cry out for further explanation.